Who Is Most Affected by America’s Health Issues? (Revealed)

Who Is Most Affected by America’s Health Issues? (Revealed)

Americans tend to fall behind other high-income nations when it comes to health-related life outcomes, but it may not solely be down to unhealthy behaviors or lack of access to care.

America is plagued with multiple health conditions that threaten its citizens’ wellbeing, from mental and unique conditions like Crohn’s disease to chronic illnesses such as HIV. People who suffer from these ailments face higher mortality risks and lower quality of life than average.

Mental Health

Mental health is a significant component of overall wellbeing and should not be neglected. People with poor mental health are more likely to experience physical ailments, including cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. Furthermore, they engage in unhealthy behavior like smoking and substance abuse – potentially increasing the chances of depression or anxiety disorders which may become debilitating over time.

Many Americans struggle to secure adequate mental health care. Fourty-two percent cited cost and insufficient insurance coverage as primary barriers, with almost one fourth saying they must choose between paying for treatment and meeting other everyday expenses.

Even with such need, an overwhelming majority of Americans believe mental health services should be made accessible and make their availability to everyone a priority. Demand for mental health services has never been stronger: 6 out of 10 Americans seek or intend to seek treatment for themselves or a loved one; these tend to be younger people living in lower income households.

An important barrier to receiving mental health services is stigma. Over a third of Americans surveyed reported worrying that others might judge them for seeking assistance; some even admitting lying to avoid telling family and friends they needed professional mental healthcare advice.

Depression and anxiety are among the most widespread mental health conditions afflicting Americans today, which can be debilitating and lead to suicidal thoughts, addiction, substance abuse and other forms of negative behaviors. Other disorders that impact Americans include bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and various psychotic conditions that cause hallucinations, paranoia or lack of reality in some instances.

The causes of health issues vary across states. But certain factors contribute to their increased prevalence in America – high stress levels, lack of physical activity and a more processed food supply than in other nations are just a few factors to be addressed for improving America’s overall wellbeing. To make strides towards improved wellness in our society.


Weight issues have serious repercussions for one’s health, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and decreased productivity at work. Being overweight also has detrimental psychological and productivity consequences.

According to CDC data, an increasing percentage of Americans are overweight or obese with Black people and Latino adults experiencing the highest rates. Overweight can have serious repercussions for all members of society including children; one 2017 study concluded that overweight children were twice as likely to have had a stroke or developed diabetes than their slimmer peers.

People who are obese often struggle to get enough exercise, leading to unhealthy food choices in their diet. Furthermore, accessing affordable nutritious food sources may make maintaining a healthy weight difficult and force families to resort to fast food that’s higher in fat and calories as an easy fix.

All of these factors can increase a person’s risk of medical conditions that require expensive care, like diabetes and heart disease. Unfortunately, as a result, many Americans find themselves saddled with debt from medical bills; four out of 10 adults report health care debt with higher shares among lower income adults, Black/Hispanic adults, women parents.

Americans are at increased risk of substance use disorders and behavioral risks that could result in death or injury, including drug-related mortality and poor mental health outcomes. Their relative disadvantage in reaching optimal health compared with peers around the world can be attributed to environmental and social conditions, among other things.

American communities tend to be designed around cars and offer few opportunities for physical activity, while Americans eat more fast food – often more expensive than healthier alternatives – than ever. Furthermore, rural areas may be at higher risk for drug abuse and violence; one recent study even demonstrated this by showing how residents in certain counties in the U.S. lost more years due to substance use disorders than their counterparts from similar peer countries. You can read more about this topic in this article.


The United States spends more per person and as a share of its economy on health care than most high-income nations, yet Americans die at significantly higher rates and have lower life expectancies than these other nations. While individuals may attribute this disparity to personal choices alone, other factors could also be at work here.

Living in a city with dangerous neighborhoods or having been born into a family with a history of violence or mental illness increases your risk for injury and death, as do poor housing conditions, no access to education and the inability to generate sufficient income. Poverty, race and ethnicity also impact injuries and deaths; generally lower economic status increases likelihood of injuries or being killed more readily than young males with higher socio-economic statuses.

Other contributing factors to injuries may include the physical environment – specifically built environments designed for cars rather than pedestrians – patterns of food consumption and access to healthy foods, and availability of safe birth control methods, contraceptives and medical care services. Furthermore, long work hours or inability to afford child or elder care puts individuals at greater risk.

Injurys may result from various events, such as falling, being hit, or being involved in a car crash. They may also arise as the result of health conditions like Crohn’s disease which causes inflammation of the digestive tract; or age-related challenges like thinner skin that tears easily.

While most Americans support universal health insurance, a significant segment of the population still struggles to afford essential services. Four out of ten U.S. adults reported debt from unpaid health care expenses last year – most commonly among lower income individuals and black and Hispanic Americans. Furthermore, people with disabilities tend to encounter difficulty accessing and paying for treatments within health systems; this became an important topic during discussions surrounding new legislation for health care coverage – read here for the report’s details.

Preventive Care

American healthcare can be expensive, yet despite this most of healthcare spending goes towards treating illness or injuries that could have been avoided with primary care services. Lifestyle choices often lead to preventable diseases that are easily corrected with some lifestyle adjustments; so educating Americans on healthy habits and providing access to preventive services are crucial elements in maintaining overall good health.

Reversal of a Texas district court ruling that allows employers to charge patients for certain preventive services may force more Americans to cover these costly procedures themselves. Under the Affordable Care Act, insurers are mandated to offer such preventive services at no additional cost – this includes annual exams, screenings, vaccinations and health education sessions.

Some individuals can overcome lack of access to care by seeking advice from medical professionals, while many Americans struggle with the financial strain associated with healthcare, particularly marginalized communities. Many Americans must also pay monthly insurance premiums and meet deductible requirements before their health coverage kicks in.

Furthermore, health care disparities are all too familiar in America, often stemming from factors like unemployment, living in poverty or not owning a car or home that impede access to healthcare or raise risk. Addressing this complex problem involves multiple stakeholders including governments, business leaders, community organizations and individuals working together towards finding effective solutions.

Preventative medicine is key to living a long and fulfilling life, so Americans need to take personal responsibility for their well-being by scheduling regular doctor visits, changing lifestyle habits and taking medications as prescribed. Maximizing healthcare resources such as your diet or activity levels will go a long way toward keeping yourself in good condition – these steps may even reduce preventable illnesses in America in the future! If you require help managing your health today, contact a physician.


Jeremy Lawson